The Mind Whisperer

Thought Form Energy Healing, a healer of healers, empowering Heart Centered People to Create Instant Results by Discovering, Releasing, and Transforming Blocked Emotions in the Subconscious to Increase Your Revenue 25% or More, Consistently

Rejuvenate Your Soul with Me:
A Transformational Retreat for
Inner Peace, Inspiration, and Personal Growth

Sacred Valley, Peru

August 10-17, 2024


Increasing your overall wellness, dis-creating sickness and illness.


Creating an abundant mindset, manifesting, and increasing prosperity.


Attracting more love in your life, soulmates, family, community.

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($180 Value)

Financially Fit Book

What is stopping you from stepping into infinite prosperity?  

Discover the secrets to living an abundant and prosperous life in the heart, mind, and soul.  Utilizing the Pivot and Shift Strategy, you can discover, release, and transform (DiRT method) your life into opening prosperity doors.  

Learn how money is emotional and the 5 basic human emotions that stop or enhance the riches coming into your life.  Dawna will share her personal knowledge, wisdom, and experience from a place of heart-centeredness to assist you in restoring a life of happiness, prosperity, and love.  

It is time to Step into Infinite Prosperity, live the life you love and love the life you live.  

Featured in:
Cracking the Rich Code

Have you considered how the legacy of your childhood experiences manifests itself into adulthood? Dawna Campbell knows the keys to recognize this and how we can choose to pivot beyond that legacy into a place of abundance.

Cracking The Rich Code offers a powerful thought-provoking entrepreneurial insights, stories and strategies from a diverse lineup of 20 coauthors from around the world. Chances are this book contains exactly what you need to excel your business into the top 5% in your category worldwide!

About Dawna

Dawna Campbell is widely recognized as The Mind Whisperer for her unparalleled ability to reprogram the subconscious brain for instant money creation, enabling her clients to manifest a life of happiness, prosperity, and love. Dawna is a holder of a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Marketing, and her extensive professional background includes over a decade as a Financial Advisor and Managing Principal of a National Investment Firm, where she managed over $500 million of other people’s money. Today, she is the CEO and Founder of The Healing Heart, Inc., an international business that provides life-changing services to clients all over the world.

Dawna is a #1 international Best-Selling Author with her book “Financially Fit: Living the Secrets to an Abundant and Prosperous Life,” redefining financial fitness, and she is also a published author in several other books, including “Cracking the Rich Code” with Tony Robbins, Jim Britt, and Kevin Harrington. She is a monthly contributor to Best Holistic Life Magazine and Your Success E-Magazine, and her work has been featured in over 110 media outlets with a combined audience of more than 85 million, including NBC, ABC, Fox News, The Los Angeles Tribune, Yahoo Finance, and Roku TV.

Dawna has shared the stage with notable individuals such as Sharon Lechter, Mark Victor Hansen, Dr. Joe Vitale, Lisa Nichols, and Bill Walsh, bringing together the business world of money and finance with the energy world of healing. She is the Director of Training with The Mentors Studio, a global premier platform bringing mentors together from all around the world to be of service alongside Michael Silvers (T. Harv Eker, Chris Howard) and Mary Glorfield (Tony Robbins EVP for 18 years).

Dawna’s thirst for knowledge and exploration led her to spend time in an Ashram, immersing herself in the study of physics, brain wave patterns, science, metaphysics, and meditation. She has sought guidance from renowned esoteric healers across the globe, including Buddhist monks, yogic healers, shamans, and medicine women, to learn various natural medicine techniques for healing with energy. As a first-degree Kriya initiate in the lineage of Lahiri Mahasaya, Dawna has received the energetic transfer of their abilities, enabling her to share these gifts with others and make a positive impact in the world.

Dawna maintains an international private practice and shares her techniques through the Financially Fit Transformation, workshops, and retreats. Her expertise in finance, money, and energy healing enables her to empower heart-centered business owners and entrepreneurs to create instantly by discovering, releasing, and transforming blocked emotions in the subconscious, which results in a consistent revenue increase of 25% or more.

Dawna’s personal heart-centered healing philosophy is to create a world that is a better place for all to live. With over 25 years of professional experience, she continues to help people all over the world to unlock their true potential, manifest their dreams, and live their best lives.